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Nomination Committee ahead of the AGM 2025

The Nomination Committee is comprised of:

  • Carl Armfelt (Chair) appointed by DNB Asset Management,
  • Daniel Ströbeck appointed by Bolero,
  • Robert Furuhjelm appointed by Nordic Capital and
  • Anna Belfrage in the capacity as Chair of the Board of Cint Group AB

Shareholders that wish to submit proposals to the nomination committee may do so by email to [email protected]. Proposals have to be submitted no later than 21 March 2025 in order for the nomination committee to be able to process the proposal in a constructive way. 



Nomination committee

The annual general meeting on 17 May 2022 resolved to adopt the following instruction for the nomination committee, which shall apply until further notice.

Nomination committee (Principles, instructions, etc.)

Tasks of the nomination committee

The nomination committee shall fulfil the tasks set out in the Swedish Corporate Governance Code and shall, when applicable, present proposals to an upcoming general meeting as regards:

  • Election of the chair of the general meeting.
  • The number of members of the board of directors to be elected by the general meeting.
  • Election of the chair and the members of the board of directors.
  • Fees and other remuneration to each of the elected board members and to the members of the board of director’s committees.
  • Election of the auditor/auditors.
  • Remuneration to the auditor/auditors.
  • Principles for the composition of the nomination committee.
  • Any changes regarding the instructions for the nomination committee.

IR contact

Patrik Linzenbold
Head of Investor Relations
[email protected]